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Covert Tactical Body Armour Level IIIA (3A)

Covert Tactical Body Armour Level IIIA (3A)From:  £453.00


High Velocity Handgun Protection
.357 SIG + .44 Magnum

Overt Tactical BASE Body Armour Level IIIA

Overt Tactical BASE Body Armour Level IIIAFrom:  £513.00


High Velocity Handgun Protection
.357 SIG + .44 Magnum

CS103 Community Support Body Armour Stab and Spike

CS103 Community Support Body Armour Stab and SpikeFrom:  £361.00


Stab and Spike Protection
UK Level 1

Hard Armour Plate - Lightweight Level IV (4) 30.06 AP

Hard Armour Plate - Lightweight Level IV (4) 30.06 AP£225.00
